I Feel Sorry For You

Are You Light?


Love For The Church

Pattern of Sound Words Stops the Devil’s Deception – Part II

As a Pastor it is my obligation unto the Lord to make sure that every member of the church grows spiritually and doctrinally sound through a pattern of sound words as stated in 2 Timothy 1:13-14, “13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

Pattern of Sound Words Stops the Devil’s Deception – Part I

As a Pastor it is my obligation unto the Lord to make sure that every member of the church grows spiritually and doctrinally sound through a pattern of sound words as stated in 2 Timothy 1:13-14, “13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

Deception of the Devil

There is a question that needs to be asked, do you know how to enter the kingdom of heaven? Listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 7:13-14, “13Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

Be Holy Unto God (Understand the Power of a Naked Body)

To be holy means you are separated unto God through sanctification. You live to be devoted to God in your spirit, soul, and body. Your spirit and soul should always be in a state of veneration. Your rectitude should always be in a place for the will of God. Therefore, the fruit of the Spirit should always be the character of God for your life. Living to be fruitful is the perfect will of God. No law of the flesh can stop the Fruit of the Spirit. The Devil and his demons cannot stop the power of God’s character that flows through the life of a believer. The Fruit of the Spirit is your identification as a born-again Christian and the Holy Spirit will always produce the power of God’s fruit.

Horror After The Rapture

Horror After The Rapture

Pastors Wake Up Part III

As we see the world become more wicked and evil, there must be a focus from pastors to teach their congregations from the gospel of Christ what the devil rules and how he rules the word.  There is not enough focus from the church on how and why the world has changed.  Bible prophecy gives the church facts about the horror the world will face from the wrath of the devil. 

Pastors Wake Up - Part II

To keep your heart and mind focused on the will of God you must be full of the Holy Spirit.  God gave you His Spirit, therefore in your heart you are born-again and baptized with Christ to walk in love, build with love, and to perfect the love of Christ in you. 

Pastors Wake Up Part I of III

There are too many Pastors not leading the church according to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit should be leading a Pastor to declare what Jesus Christ has spoken.  I will encourage some Pastors who are overtaken by the wiles of the Devil, his trickery, deception, gimmicks, charm and chicanery to bewitch to read John 16:13-15. 

Live By the Word of God Part II

This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine,

Live By the Word Of God Part I

Christian leadership that seeks popularity, fame and prominence are known to jump on the bandwagon of false ministers that are crazed with fads.  There will be people who will follow their exaggerated zeal for a period of time until the truth is revealed.

The Fruit of the Spirit is the Chareacter of God in You

God sent His Spirit as a promise through His Son Jesus Christ.  It is the Holy Spirit who leads you to live in the image of God.  The life of Jesus Christ has taught the world that God the Father is holy, righteous, sanctified and free of sin.  He is the power of creation, preeminent, divine and forever eternal.  God is faithful to His creation, and His love gives men the opportunity to be redeemed. 

Depend on the Holy Spirit and Not Yourself Part III

In the gospel of John 16:7 Jesus said it is to our advantage that He goes away back to His Father in heaven.  If Jesus did not go away the Helper, the Holy Spirit would not come to us.  What must be observed is the word advantage.

Depend on the Holy Spirit and Not Yourself Part II

The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit.  God has given us His Spirit to overcome the Devil and the world.  When we were converted from our sinful nature, we became born-again with the Spirit that created the world.  Everything God says His Spirit brings it to pass because it comes from Him. 

Depend on the Holy Spirit and Not Yourself

It is important for every Christian to understand that the Holy Spirit was sent and given to them for their spiritual growth.  The Holy Spirit will build in you the knowledge and wisdom of God to perfect and mature you.  John 14:26 reveals who you should depend on while living in this world.  Listen to what Jesus said, “ But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” 

What Kind of Christian Are You? Part IV

We are living in perilous times.  Our cities, communities and environment are dangerous, unsafe, risky, unhealthy, hazardous and grave.  Death is everywhere, murder is common in society and we are used to living in this type of atmosphere.  The pandemic has affected the world and has changed economics on a global level. 

What Kind of Christian Are You? Part III

The Lord Jesus Christ wants all true Christians to evaluate themselves according to His word.  In 2 Corinthians 13:5 we are informed to examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith.  If you want to know what kind of Christian you are read Matthew 13:18-23.  The scriptures reveal 4 kinds of Christians that receive God’s word in church when the gospel of Christ is preached.

What Kind of Christian Are You? Part II

What Christians need to understand is that God will always focus on the church.  Matthew 16:18 says that hell will not prevail against the church.  This means demonic activity will be in the church as well as attack outside of the church, but it will not prevail. 

What kind of Christian are you?

In the body of Christ there are all kinds of people who call themselves Christians.  There are different denominations, belief systems, types of worship and doctrines by which one grows in the knowledge of God.  The reality is people come to church full of jealousy, envy, strife, hatred, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, selfish ambitions, pride, lies, lust and unrighteousness.

Live in the Divine Power of God

God is divine and He is supremely good at all times with His love and mercy towards people.  God is holy and His divine quality has been given to His saints to identify with Him.  The saints of God should always have a reverential mentality to fear, worship, praise, love and glorify God for His love, mercy and forgiveness given to us so that we can enter His kingdom.   The divine power of God has kept us from being of the world while we are in this world.

Resisting the Devil is Power Part III

By the will of God my guidance as a Pastor is to get Christians to understand how powerful resistance can be to defeat the Devil.  Build your conscience to remember that to resist is to oppose.  Use your will to fight, battle and combat any action the Devil uses against you.  Fighting the good fight of faith is to use your mind to have belief, trust, confidence, reliance and hope in Christ.

Resisting the Devil is Power Part II

God blesses from heaven, the Devil advances you from the world.  Therefore, a Christian must know the difference between blessings from God as opposed to temptation from the Devil.  Resist what is not from the knowledge of God. As a Pastor you have to be bold, strong and persistent to resist the Devil to advance the kingdom of God in your church.

Resisting the Devil is Power Part I

To defeat the Devil you must resist him mentally. Withstand every wicked and evil thought he presents to your mind.  God has given you the power to fight, overcome, repel and oppose every wicked thought that comes against the knowledge of God. Ephesians 4:26-27- When you don’t give place to the Devil, you don’t allow him to position you to establish his wicked dominion over your mind. If you give place to the Devil your spirit, soul and body will produce evil deeds and actions to sin.

The Power of a Lie

A lie is a statement that is untrue with the intent to deceive. When a person lies they give misinformation, misrepresentation, dishonesty, slander, and falsify things to make people believe the lie.  A good example of a lie being told is in 1 Kings 13:11-29 (read the entire 13th chapter for greater context). 

Live For The Resurrection Of Christ Part II

A lie is a statement that is untrue with the intent to deceive. When a person lies they give misinformation, misrepresentation, dishonesty, slander, and falsify things to make people believe the lie.  A good example of a lie being told is in 1 Kings 13:11-29 (read the entire 13th chapter for greater context). 

Live for the Resurrection of Christ

I don’t preach a charismatic gospel according to man’s ideology about faith for prosperity, and there are certain Christians who say I am not blessed and my church is not blessed.  There are ministers who view me as unlearned, unskilled and one who lacks faith in God.  By the grace of God I was called to the ministry according to Ephesians 4:11-16 to serve as a Pastor.  How my congregants grow spiritually in the knowledge of God is the maturity God wants me to establish.  My objective is to protect the church by not preaching a comprising gospel for gain.  God has divinely given me His wisdom and knowledge to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God unto salvation.